A downloadable game for Windows

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Platform your way around and blast every enemy to smithereens in Cyber Blaster! 

This was initially started as a submission to the Pixel Game Jam, but I ran out of time. There  are still a few more things I'd like to add (in game UI, score, player life bar, additional levels, etc.) so keep your eyes open for those updates.


ActionGame Pad
MoveLeft Stick
WASD / Directional Keys
JumpA-ButtonSpace Bar
FireRight Trigger
Left Mouse Button


Made with Unity


Kyle Hardy


Kyle Hardy

Background Music

Boris SG

Sound Effects

Various Artists from Freesound.org

Updated 27 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorEarnest Games


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Cyber_Blaster-V2-1.Windows.zip 49 MB

Development log


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I really enjoyed this game, nice consistent style!! Maybe a new enemy type?


Yo thanks sgema! Definitely a great call on some more varied enemies. Maybe a turret gun or a walking enemy would be a good addition to mix it up a bit. Thanks again!


Wow. Maybe you can mix up both of those and create a walking turret gun? That would be pretty unique :O I'm gonna be definitely playing if you update the game! Thank you!!