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Wow, this update is awesome!! The new enemy is very cool, and the second map is quite difficult. Good job, I really really like this game :D


Thank you sgema! I think the game needs a health pickup, so I'll be adding that in the future. I'm also hoping to add a boss fight as the third or fourth level. Thanks again for spending the time to check it out!

Those are awesome ideas! I’m thrilled to see what type of boss and new levels you’ll implement. The health pickup would really shake things up too, if you’d add some in the boss rooms, you could add stronger attacks to it, as the players could refill some of their health when it’s low. Have fun coding :D

Great idea regarding different attack strengths - I'll add that to my TODO list. I really appreciate all of the feedback!

I really enjoyed this game, nice consistent style!! Maybe a new enemy type?


Yo thanks sgema! Definitely a great call on some more varied enemies. Maybe a turret gun or a walking enemy would be a good addition to mix it up a bit. Thanks again!


Wow. Maybe you can mix up both of those and create a walking turret gun? That would be pretty unique :O I'm gonna be definitely playing if you update the game! Thank you!!